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Artist Info:
Well, my real name is Nels, it's a Norwegian name that means "champion" and a lot of people like it. smile Anyway, right now I'm at K-State University and I'm in my sophomore year of majoring in Physics. And let me tell you one thing: I LOVE PHYSICS! I really like it and I feel like it's the most utopian-goaled science. I also enjoy drawing and writing, and if you wish to view them I encourage you to head over to my deviant art site: www.scisyhp.deviantart.com.<br />
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For those of you who are viewing the art, I'm open to criticism. A few months ago I wanted to take my drawing style in a new direction and therefore anything to help with drawing is very much appreciated. If you want to view the writing, I'm afraid you'll have to head over to deviantART because the story is waaaaaaay too long to be posted on gaia, and even on DA it's having to be split up into 4 parts. And again, I'm open to criticism for that as well! smile <br />
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I also love gaming, however surprisingly I don't have that much next gen stuff. I've never really been into it. All I have is a DS, a Gamecube, a PS2 and a MacBook Pro. But they all satisfy my love for gaming with great games such as Psychonaughts, Silent Line Armored Core, Jak and Daxter, WoW, and a whole lot more. <br />
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I have been commented by my friends that I'm a very big nerd, even in comparison to the other members of the Physics Club at KSU; so be prepared if you see strange stuff in my journal or blog. And if you have a physics related question feel free to ask, I love explaining stuff! smile <br />
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Laters, Nels. - Avg. rating:
This is a poem
I wrote about
everyday life
in highschool
and about the
battles fought
between studen - The War
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 2 recent comments
- Angel of light
- Original Avatar
- 4 recent comments
a song for
who's ever
broken up with
a friend
because they
thought they
like them and - if i break hi...
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 1 recent comments
Comments (1 Comments)
- angel with dark humor - 03/26/2010
- your welcome( but just a little advice trying drawing your people in different position it really helps to make them seem more animeish ^^)
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