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  • Artist Info: Death the Kid (デス・ザ・キッド, Desu za Kiddo) commonly called "Kid" (キッド, Kiddo) by his friends and family, is one of the three main meisters that the series follows. He is Patti and Liz's meister and Shinigami-sama's son. <br />
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    Kid suffers from obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, or OCPD, which is represented as an obsession about everything having to be perfectly symmetrical and takes the idea of perfection to the extremes. To him, anything symmetrical is beautiful and if it is off by any measurement (a picture frame off by millimeter, or a pose that is slightly out of place), he will try to correct it right away, even if the situation calls for utmost attention. His favorite number is 8 because of its symmetry. He is so obsessed with symmetry that Kid refuses to fight a battle unless he has both Patty and Liz together, as they would not be symmetrical apart. The biggest problem Kid has is with his hair, because the left half of his bangs are marked with three white stripes. He has attempted to dye his hair all black to cover his asymmetric Sanzu Lines; however, due to his body being that of a Shinigami, it rejects the hair dye and soon returns to normal.<br />
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    Because Kid was born a Shinigami it was never required that he train a weapon, and he was offered many partnerships in the form of arranged marriage although he rejected them all, purely because using any of them would break his symmetry.<br />
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    However, his obsessive-compulsive outbursts aside, Kid is actually quite serious and sophisticated, and can be quite cool-headed in battle if the concept of symmetry doesn't enter his mind. Despite his prim and proper attitude, he does exhibit a few boyish characteristics from time to time, like when he is chasing after the runaway express in the desert, and he chooses to do skateboard tricks on the sand dunes whilst doing so, and he is quite happy to play basketball along with the rest of his team. He also cares for his friends, as he is seen expressing concern about Soul's scar at one point, and also threatens Gopher that he will never forgive him if he hurts Maka.<br />
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    It is mentioned by Maka that it is normally hard to match soul wavelengths with more than one weapon, but Kid is able to do so because he, Liz, and Patti have a mutual admiration for each other. Kid admires Patti and Liz's positive souls due to his negative personality, while Liz and Patti admire Kid's dignified soul.<br />
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    His father has mentioned that Kid is a shinigami and does not need to collect souls, but Kid says he wants to make a weapon of his own. His father also says that since he uses two weapons and the guns do not count as a set, he will have to collect twice as many souls: 198 evil kishin eggs and two witch souls instead of 99 souls and one witch soul. <br />
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    Why am I Female???<br />
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    During a trip to hells gates upon entering the crew was turned to their opposite genders, this wasnt permenet but the longer you stayed the other gender showed how much sexual tensions you had built up.<br />
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    *coughs* Tsubaki was the last ..>.>
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