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    <br />
    Haiii! XD<br />
    I'm Brittany. I am 18..finally~<br />
    I live in Minnesota..and I hate it here in the winter. <br />
    I can't stand the cold.<br />
    I love reading.<br />
    I also love anime/mangas.<br />
    Annnd, I like to dance in the rain.<br />
    I have 2 dogs and 2 cats.. And I'm fostering 3 kittens for the local animal shelter.<br />
    I also have 2 sisters. One is 13 and the other is the same age as me.<br />
    How does that work you ask? We are twins.<br />
    I love RPing.<br />
    And, this may be a bit odd...but I want a pet snake.<br />
    I'm not in school. I succeeded in getting my GED.<br />
    I have yet to get my license from lack of money.<br />
    I am a clutz and I tend to have alot of blonde moments.<br />
    I love candles and incense.<br />
    My favorite colors are green and black.<br />
    Well, that is all for now, can't think of anything more to add.<br />
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    User Image<br />
    This is my baby Blue. (:<br />
    Ain't he just the cutest little thing?<br />
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