• JullianUzukawa1337's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: 3nodding Hmm...well, I've been drawing since I was very young, and it's always been something of a hobby. I started out with animals and moved to Anime after watching morning cartoons like Pokemon, Godzilla, Rugrats, Roko's Modern Life, and Men in Black. My cousin first showed me how to do Anime eye's and that is when I decided I liked drawing in that style, so I continued to sharpen my technique. I started with pencils and papers, and worked to inking and coloring. Now I have a tablet and Photoshop; although I prefer drawing with raw materials. I loath charcoal, and I find watercolors to be pretty amazing.<br />
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    rofl I have attended some community college for Art and English. Classes of choice in the future will lean towards Bartending, Avionics, or Engineering. I used to smoke, drink, and party but now I'm settled down with my boyfriend and roommates. I have a steady job at an ice cream shop; I love the people I work with, and the business isn't to bad either. My previous jobs included working at a Pizza place and in a Clerical Position.<br />
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    scream I've been told I am an emotional person who can't hold herself back sometimes, I am determined and hard working, and loyal to those who are kind to me. I hate people who lie, but bending the truth is fine so long as it does not bring harm unto others; I find it makes you think more, and I personally love thinking through different possibilities.<br />
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    sweatdrop That about sums it up, if you know me in person and feel I'm missing something than let me know and I'll add it.
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