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    so this is my profile and its like awesome(lol). i am not afraid to be myself at some moments. most the time i act really like crazy. i love to write and music is my life. i have also posted some stuff in the writing arenas called "forgotten....this is the first chapter" its this book i'm writing about (and yes it is in my own words compleately). my friends are like the best and i know that they would always be there for me know matter how bad the situation is. i get along with everyone! i am obsessed with pie and jeff dunham and cookie montser and eeyore heart is my favorite! south park and family guy are my favorite tv shows. i like soft love songs and shrek. i hope you like my profile cause it is like awesome!!!<br />
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    blaugh blaugh blaugh xXheartcharmerXx blaugh blaugh blaugh
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