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  • Artist Info: Well, I can't exactly say much about what or who I used to be. All I can say is that I must fight a nameless, and faceless enemy. I am the mere gun to the shooter, the common ground soldier to the battalion commander. I fight on, and live on, because war is all I know. The ally of today, might become the prey of tomorrow for me. I cannot function in a peaceful existence, thus I am like this... nothing but a war hungry cyborg, taking up whatever jobs, and targets there are.<br />
    <br />
    I died once, and I was revived from the dead, by the spirit of mad scientists in hell. I was allowed to return to Earth for as long as there are wars on the planet. I will not let a few things like a severed limb, or half my body being blown off, even stop me. I am constantly being fixed up, and improved.<br />
    <br />
    Things to note(Out of Character): <br />
    I do not accept random add requests, unless I have spoken to you beforehand.<br />
    I do indeed RP, but only literate.<br />
    I cannot stand the words: Swag or Yolo.<br />
    I find people who constantly use hash tags after something annoying.<br />
    I will just flat out ignore you, if I find you annoying.
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