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    Hey, Drake here! So umm....hobbies! I like reading, TV, video games, animals and, believe it or not, school...sometimes. My favorites authors are Mercedes Lackey and Anne McCaffery. My favorite manga/anime are Saiyuki and Fruits Basket. I'm a bit obsessed with Saiyuki at the moment. I love Sanzo! Favorite TV shows are Stargate Sg1/Atlantis, Supernatural, House, and Bones . My favorite video games are the Jak and Daxter series, the Final Fantasy/ Kingdom Hearts games, God of War and Guitar Hero. I volunteer at the Center for Wildlife because I like raptors. My favorite subjects at school are science and math. I'm in marching band and on the math team. My favorite movies include 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' (Krueger!!), 'Pirates of the Caribbean', 'Harry Potter', 300 and Transformers. I work at KB Toys, which I think is pretty awsome. Can anyone say Littlest Pet Shop?<br />
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    I'm eighteen and I'm going to be majoring in physics at a very good science school in NY. (And then off to grad school for astrophysics!)<br />
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    August 22nd: I LOVE FF7: ADVENT CHILDREN AND VINCENT VALENTINE! But mostly Vincent. And now Dirge of Cerberus. <br />
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    Because I'm a Vincent fangirl:<br />
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    ~Drake<br />
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    Okay, here's a quote or two:<br />
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    SGA:<br />
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    In 'Sateda'<br />
    Mckay(drugged): "Excuse me? Why am I laying here?"<br />
    Beckett: "You have an arrow, Rodney, in your glutteous maximus."<br />
    Mckay: "Oh...Well, that sounds painful." (sigh) "Glutteos max-i-mus. Glutt-us. Max. I. Mus... Oh my god, that's my ass, isn't it?"<br />
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    In 'Grace Under Pressure':<br />
    Mckay(to Jumper/Handheld Computer): "Is that really how you want this to go down, huh? You wanna freeze me to death? You sure you wouldn't rather I imploded with you, you--LEMON!?! Do you even have an opinion anyways, you, you...No. Why? Because you are an inanimate object! Does that stop me from talking to you? Oh, no no no no, my inanimate friend! Because I have been STRUCK upon the head, you see?!?! <br />
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    We call them "trees." [Shyla] <br />
    Ah... um, so do we. [Jackson] <br />
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    Jack: I'm tellin' you Teal'c, if I have to go through much more of this, I'm gonna lose it... (Teal'c does his eyebrow) Lose it... It means go nuts, insane, bonzo, no longer in possession of one's faculties, three fries short of a happy meal, WACKO! <br />
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    Beckett: You have a date, Rodney? With a woman? <br />
    Mckay: It is simply two adults sharing some friendly ... yes, with a woman! <br />
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    Beckett: "He fainted." <br />
    Mckay: "Oh, there's gotta be a better word!" <br />
    Beckett: "'Faint' is the proper medical term." <br />
    Mckay: "I passed out from ... manly hunger."<br />
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    Firelfy:<br />
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    River: "And I can kill you with my brain."<br />
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    Simon: "My sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood."<br />
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    Sir Warrick: You didn't have to wound that man. <br />
    Mal: Yeah, I know. It was just funny. <br />
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    [Jayne pretends to read Simon's journal.] <br />
    Jayne: "Dear Diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. [flips page] Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever." <br />
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    Book: If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater. <br />
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    [Saffron stands up from the bed and slowly approaches a stunned Mal.] <br />
    Saffron: If I'm wed, I'm a woman, and I'll take your leave to be bold. I want this. I swell to think of you in me. <br />
    [She looks down.] <br />
    Saffron: And I see that you do, too. <br />
    Mal: Oh, th-th- that's just, uh... <br />
    Saffron: Leave me at the nearest port. Never look upon me again. I'll make my way with the strength that you've taught me. Only let me have my wedding night. <br />
    Mal: [resignedly] Oh, I'm gonna go to the special hell. Yup, right into the fire. <br />
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    [River is hiding from Book, freaked out by his enormous unbundled mane of white hair.] <br />
    River: They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger. <br />
    Book: River? Please, why don't you come on out? <br />
    River: No! Can't. Too much hair. <br />
    Book: Is--is that it? <br />
    Zoë: Hell yes, preacher. If I didn't have stuff to get done, I'd be in there with her. <br />
    . . . <br />
    Zoë: River, honey, he's putting the hair away now. <br />
    [Book starts to tie his hair back.] <br />
    River: Doesn't matter. It'll still be there. Waiting<br />
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    Well, that was I few more than I originally planned on putting down, but, whatever.<br />
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    Here are some SGA pics<br />
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    ^ Rodney is so funny! I love the pic of Radek. Him and Rodney would keep a whole Starbucks in business if there was one in the Pegasus Galaxy!<br />
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    I love Rodney. heart And the word 'snark', which describes what Mckay does perfectly. He 'snarks'. See! It fits. xd <br />
    I think all the pics in that banner are from Coup d'Etat.<br />
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    I had this in my sig, but I decided to take it out. *shrug* Isn't it awsome!?<br />
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    OMG heart I love David!!!!!! heart This is from his new website.<br />
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    I love firefly!! ^_^ <br />
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    Woot, I have a Poke'pet! xd <br />
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    Drake214's PokePet
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    Typhlosion the level 79 Typhlosion!<br />
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