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  • Artist Info: BACK ON GAIA!!!! WOOP WOOP<br />
    Lilith The Tyrant. best person on gaia has made my dream closer every day will not forget her she is the best ever!! man i hope ur okay<br />
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    Name: Austin (others call me AJ) Just call me anythiing i really dont care, but if its negative dont i reapeat DONT<br />
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    Age: why the f*** u wana know o.O<br />
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    Location: Candy world (have anything against it then leave!) with m a g i c a l s t i c k if i have her permission<br />
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    Race: English ftw (white for other people)<br />
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    Hair: brownish black<br />
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    Eyes: dark brown<br />
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    Type of Person: randomness<br />
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    Likes: motocross, drawling o.o, computers, sleep, sports, and all those fun things.<br />
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    Dislike: people who dont do anything, not nice people, etc.<br />
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    Hey everyone my name is (fill in the blank) i dont care what people call me, negative comments are jsut blocked away from my mind. As u can see i am indeed a VERY RaNdOm person. i have been living in candy world for the past 3 years and yeah u have anything against it? LEAVE. Life here in gaia has been a tremendous change in my life i have met new people like lucy star, and other people that have proven to be amazing friends. One Amazing friend would be m a g i c a l s t i c k, who has been really nice, friendly, and all those good things i cant discribe. Pretty much dont make me hyper (that means you miki!) Dont i reapeat do NOT give me sugar or i will go dangerously hyper.<br />
    -psh you over there, unicorns do exist!<br />
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    drawn by me yay!<br />
    happy halloween@<br />
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    MY first avi art#%#<br />
    w0000t<br />
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    Thank you my friend M A G I C A L S T I C K!!!<br />
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    ~Donaters~<br />
    Ell-Ohh-Vee-e 28-1 gold hehehe<br />
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    JeR-jEr-n-KiM-bEe-10,000gold omg Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
    Ninja Spoon-3500 gold (thank you so much!)<br />
    kerla_the_shadow_shifter-9113 gold (wooot holy cow woooot!!)<br />
    Coalar Lee Drake-long stem red rose and 2900 gold (WOOOOT!!)<br />
    RAiNb0WiShSUNSEt-1000gold (thanks! You are all so nice!)<br />
    Unicornryu_Xedina-226 gold (thanks)<br />
    AmorHermoso-8000gold(omg!!!!!)<br />
    Melifina-san41235-3000 gold (thank you!)<br />
    XO--Duckies--XO-1000 gold (thank you!)
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