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  • Artist Info: U and the cave r now one. once u enter, u can never leave. A prisoner. I am the cave. I am as old as time and as hard as rock. In my true form, the bravest man cowers in fear. Eyes of ice, they chill ur soul. My hair crinkles like the leaves of the forest. My skin, rough like sand. Those i touch, their heart turns cold. When u enter me, you are led by a strange force, off the ledge and 1,000 feet down into darkness blacker than the night sky. if the fall doesn't kill you, with rocks sharper than knives, hunger beyond control will. When u die, you canot leave, no pearly white gates, or flames in hell, but a fate much worse than either. Those you love forget you, and any record of your mere existence dissapears. Your soul is a prisoner of the cave, trapped, and never again loved.<br />
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    I didn't write this, but let me know what u think, and i'll pass it on.
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