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  • Artist Info: Greetings, and welcome to my profile. “About Me” sections always seem so flimsy and fabricated, but I will do my best to express to you, dear reader, who I am and what interests me.<br />
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    I am a man of many interests and hobbies. I have a deep love for music, both playing and hearing. Some of my favorite artists include The Beatles, Bo Burnham, Frank Sinatra, Jimi Hendrix, Psychostick, Queen, Richard Cheese, Disturbed, Slipknot, System of a Down, and Watsky. Even I sometimes marvel at the variety of music on my play lists… If you want to strike up a conversation with me and aren’t sure of a good starter, try mentioning the genres of music you enjoy. Chances are I’ll have a thing or two to say. I also play guitar and have dabbled in drums and bass.<br />
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    When I can find the time, I read. The genre I find I enjoy most universally is historical fiction, with Shogun being my favorite book. I am currently reading both A Song of Ice and Fire and the Gorean Saga, a task which may be slowly unhinging my brain. Not that it was really holding on to much…<br />
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    I like tabletop miniatures, though I don’t really play the games much anymore. Mostly I like piecing together custom models from cannibalized blister packs and painting them. This hobby meshes nicely, and indeed springs from, my love of roleplaying games (another excellent conversation starter). Dungeons and Dragons 3.0 was my first love, but New World of Darkness is by far my favorite system.<br />
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    Video games I still play, though not with the frequency I did when I was younger. Right now I’m entirely focused on Destiny. If you’re on Playstation 4 and would like to join me just send me a message! I would like very much to have others to play with.<br />
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    One of my stranger pleasures comes from B movies. I mean terrible, worst-acting-you’ve-ever-seen, $400 budget movies. Super is the best, having surprised the hell out of me with how awesome it is, but Thankskilling, Dinoshark, and (sigh…) Abraxus, Guardian of the Universe hold a special place in my heart as well. The last of that list is so horrid I haven’t been able to watch it in ten years…<br />
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    Family, tradition, and honor are hugely important to me. Being one who did not always have these things, I well know their significance and importance. Now that I have them I am proud to be among the few who treasure these values and defend them.
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