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I love my Werebear aka Eric! <br />
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Warning: If I see that you have taken any of my art, either from me, my forum, or from my customers then I will put you on my ignore list and somehow find away to report you. If you want sum avi-art ask me, I do it for real CHEAP, ahem, thank you for being respectful! <br />
Also please do not beg me for gold or items!<br />
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I've been on Gaia since 1/3/2007<br />
My original ID # was 5725311<br />
Formally known as mea0113<br />
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Name- Maria <br />
Nick Names- Mea, Momma Mea, Cheshire, The Fairy Queen, Monkey,Mea-Samma, Baby-girl<br />
D.O.B- January 13th born on a FRIDAY! <br />
Eyes- Dark Brown almost Black <br />
Hair- LONG! Currently my natural color..... Black...<br />
Ethnicity- Hispanic (born and raised in OR) <br />
Status- Eric =^.^=<br />
Occupation- Care Giver and I love it!<br />
Language(s)- English and bad english.... VERY lil Spanish and Japanese <br />
Smoker- Yes.... and Yes.... <br />
Drink- Yes, on occasion <br />
Pessimistic or Optimistic- Depends, I'm literally a mix of both. To others I seem like an Optimist, but to those who are close, I come off as a pessimist.<br />
Personality- SHY, quiet, loner, untill you get to know me, then I'm Fun and a lil bit outgoing and easy to talk with... I'm a GREAT friend! I'm truthful, respectful and easy to get along with. I bite and love revenge.... I Don't bite hard. I tend to let people walk all over me, but lately I've been good at not letting that happen. Yippy for me. I'm not to into gossip, but that doesn't mean I won't listen, it just means I don't blab. Unless its really funny. I'm Bi- polar and I don't take med's. In fact I keep it under control by using all natural alternatives... marijuana It's so so abut the side effects are much better than pills. I'm open about my depression because I want others to understand, not pity me. I don't want people to feel sorry for how I feel, but would rather them understand that is sucks sometimes to contently be depressed for no reason at all what so ever. To understand that some people can feel horribly sad for no reason. I also want people to understand that being depressed or having bi-polar isn't a fad. I believe it's a mental condition that has to deal with the chemicals our brains produce. I believe it affects all people of all ages, young and old. I also believe that it not only affects the person who is bi-polar, but the people in their lives. It takes strong, caring, and patient people to truly befriend a person who has bi-polar. I am often looked at as "Hard to handle", "selfish and immature" or "quiet/rude" When in reality, I am probably the most caring when it comes to other peoples emotions. I often hide it by being quiet/rude. My emotions rule my life more than one should. But I work around it the best I can. And if it bother's you, then your not worth my time and I'm not worth yours. <br />
Style - Mostly anything that's comfortable but I guess you would call me Emo/Goth/Punk cuz that's the style I lean into.... But when your out of school and your an adult, it really doesn't matter! People tend to Dress Comfortably or according to their jobs at my age. Labels don't stick here....unless your like really rich and or your family does a lot of social like events and stuff... and you have to dress nice and smile all the time... hmmm anyway. I wear what I want to wear which is usually P.J.'s lol<br />
Likes - Monkies!!! Pandas, wolves and BLACK CATS! Nice people, anime, ather art, my DS, animal crossing, Zelda, Wearing my hoodies, dogs, random comments & bumps in my art shop, looking at other peoples art, getting free or trading avi art, ORANGE SODA!! and other things just ask ^.~<br />
Dislikes - MEAN People!!! REALLY GIRLY GIRLS THAT ARE STUCK UP, people who think they are better than everyone else, people who make fun of mentally disabled people (I have relatives and work with them), and football... really any sport. Meaningless Confrontations AND Arguing.... "Can't we all just get along?"<br />
Hobbies- DRAW, I write a bit, I read some<br />
Fav. Food(s)- Icecream, cheese cake, lasagna, spaghetti <br />
Least Fav. Food- Onions! Mustard, Anything Spicy! <br />
Fav. Color(s)- BLUE, purple and the SHADE black <br />
Least Fav. Color(s)- RED, PINK, YELLOW!! <br />
Books- Anything thats Horror or Mystery, I love Stephen King's "Misery" "Gerald's Game" "Rose Madder" "Salem's Lot". I also love to read Sailor Moon Manga!<br />
Movies- Scary, gory movies like Saw 1-3 and The Hills Have eyes and SO many more!! Comedies staring Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey or Drew Berrymore. I also like The Labrynth, Ledgend, The Dark Crystal, Reno 911 the movie <br />
T.V-I LOVE SHIN CHAN!! Well when I do watch it I mostly watch A&E and the Court T.V. Channel. I like The Shows on Adult Swim but not too into the anime. As of Anime I Absolutly LOVE Sailor moon, mainly Sailor Saturn! I Am a big Fan of sailor Moon so much to the point that I really haven't given any other series a chance..... <br />
Music- Piratically anything that appeals to me at the moment and inspires me to draw. <br />
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If I were.... <br />
A flower I'd be a Blue rose, RARE, beautiful and perfect, but non-existent... <br />
An animal I'd be a Black Wolf, Dark and mysterious, Loyal and Protective... <br />
A food I'd be Strawberry Cheesecake, yummy and creamy and oh so good! <br />
An anime/manga character I'd be Hotaru (Sailor Saturn), Youthful, Delicate, and have the power to DESTROY the world.... <br />
A song Lyric I'd be "This is a story about a girl, who cried a river and drowned the whole world, tho she looked so sad in photographs you'd absolutely love her...... when she smiles!" <br />
A Disney character I'd be The Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, cuz I'm crazy mad and I Have a big cheerful grin... <br />
A mental disorder I'd be Scizophrenia (spelt wrong)cuz I'd whisper in your ear and you'd never know where I was.... I'd always know where you were at, where you slept and I'd always be watching you.... <br />
A quote I'd be "Curiosity killed the cat" It says it all....<br />
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