• Double Helix Felix's Gallery
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    Current Status: Doing pretty well, thanks!<br />
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    Hey there! I'm Felix. Well, not really, but you know. I'm seventeen, and I TALK in the style of a seventeen year old (except like a seventeen year old dude), but type in the style of a sexy editorial. ;D<br />
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    Or...just a silly editorial dork. x3<br />
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    Despite the name (Felix, apparently, misleads many a person), I'm a girl. That's pretty clear if you stick around to see me post or something. But if you're just popping by for some reason? No, I'm not a guy, I am a girl with a guy name in my username.<br />
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    So stop calling me a guy. <br />
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    Jerk. <br />
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    Now for all the things that I love! Well...not all of them. The ones I can think of right now. Watch for flying commas! Pita, hummus, pomegranates, baked potatoes, Muse, Coldplay, Disney, musicals, acting, singing, string cheese, stretching (that kind right after you wake up), writing, Facebook, power saws, acting bad ass while singing loud music, walking to the beat of songs I'm listening to, remixes, techno, reading, sleeping, phones, Serenity, friends, The Princess Bride, Gaia, avi art, Tektek, Final Fantasy, Chrono Cross, Legend of Mana, using song lyrics as my status updates, playlists, rain, Sims 3, In-N-Out, soup, The Soup, VH1's I Love The (insert year here), Conan O'Brien (<3333), pixel art, anonymous gifts, a certain Mr. Alex Clark (for realsies in real life!), good quotes, and baking.<br />
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    So yeah!<br />
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    I think we'll get along just fine. :3<br />
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