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  • Artist Info: You all know me<br />
    you all 'love' me<br />
    as a friend or more, maybe >.><br />
    But<br />
    still gonna post some crapola about me.<br />
    I DO ART.<br />
    User Image<br />
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    My prices vary.....<br />
    <br />
    I play violin... sorta... I<br />
    Starting to learn acoustic guitar! X3<br />
    Madly in love.<br />
    Not saying with who heart <br />
    I refuse to use GIM. If you want to talk, PM me already D<<br />
    I'm bisexual. :3<br />
    Female.<br />
    Age unknown >.>;<br />
    Likes: Dragons, writing, drawing, violin, guitar, food<br />
    Dislikes: leeks/onions/miso, preps<br />
    Turn offs: Guys with big egos.<br />
    Music likes: Rise Against, Billy Talent, Skillet... Ahh, just go look at my damned playlist below, people.<br />
    ON THE TWILIGHT ISSUE: I like the books, ok?! Parts of them I don't like. The movie? It SUCKED ASS. And all the massive fangirls are ANNOYING. And so are the haters. I'm the middle man.. and it's hard to be...<br />
    I put myself before others. Or at least I try to.<br />
    I love to torment people that deserve it. Otherwise, I'm usually a nice person.<br />
    Just so you know, I'm not gonna put up a whole bunch of annoying pictures all over my profile saying how horrible my life is, how heartbroken I am, yadda yadda yadda. People who do that only THINK they know what pain is, but really? I'd like to see how many of them actually do.<br />
    "I was told to.. to put a gun.<br />
    I was told to put a gun to my head.<br />
    But my fists kept swinging at the empty air,<br />
    I had no time<br />
    no time<br />
    for a gun
    <br />
    no matter the voices yelling at me<br />
    screaming at me to do it<br />
    and no matter the people who would help me..."<br />
    Yes. Poetry. My passion, my constant lover in life..<br />
    <br />
    This section is dedicated to my late best friend, Chelsea Oliver. You died on November first, 2009, at four thirteen in the morning.<br />
    The first song on my playlist, Four AM forever is for you. I noticed the immense amount of irony in these numbers. Your birthday is April thirteenth. Four thirteen. And the song. Four am forever. Funny, but indulgently depressing.<br />
    You didn't deserve to die. But mayhap death has removed the suffering you experienced while you were alive. Rest in peace, my friend.
    <br />
    <br />
    Oh, this is what I look like by the way.<br />
    Curly hair:<br />
    User Image<br />
    Straight:<br />
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    ABBY FROM NCIS LOOK:::<br />
    User Image<br />
    Not all that good, but close. :3<br />
    <br />
    All you really need to know about me.
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