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Artist Info:
Please vote for my art, writing, and avis in the arenas. And COMMENT!!! I love reading the comments and getting healthy criticism.<br />
I love chocolate.<br />
I love romance and romance novels.<br />
Japan is THE BEST COUNTRY.<br />
Arkansas is THE BEST STATE. (go Razorbacks!!)<br />
Illinois is THE MOST BORING STATE.<br />
I HATE horror films. (hint to all future bf's)<br />
Purple is my fave color, though silver's a close 2nd.<br />
I HATE when people can't speak English properly. I don't mind a southern drawl, but if you're going to have English be your language, PLEASE don't massacre it with your poor grammar, at least not around me.<br />
I couldn't care LESS what anyone thinks of me.<br />
If you have something to say, don't be a coward and say it to my face, and not behind my back.<br />
You hurt one of my friends, close or not, expect to wake up to a daggar to your throat. Not even kidding.<br />
I LOVE music, though I can't dance that well (stop laughing Dancer Chica With Style) and I think my singing voice is fading...(I used to be pretty ok, if I do say so myself.)<br />
Wajas.com is my fave site other than Gaiaonline.com.<br />
My fave book is The Last Of The Really Great Wangdoodles by Julia Roberts.<br />
My fave movie is Independence Day, starring Will Smith (I like him as an actor, though his music's a little wana-be...)<br />
I'm a fangirl when it comes to manga and anime, and yes, SOMETIMES I THINK THE MALE CHARACTERS ARE HOT. So? Don't you?<br />
I'll refuse to read a manga if I don't like the style of pics. Yeah, I'm picky like that. *grins*<br />
I LOVE MOVIES!!! (just not horror, as previously stated.)<br />
I only usually befriend people on this site if I know them in real life, so please don't be offended when I decline your request...<br />
I LOVE RANDOME PM'S!!! Please leave one if you will!<br />
I think Japanese is the most beautiful language and culture out there, and I plan on becoming an English/Japanese interpreter.<br />
I'm a NERD, I know, but if you call me a GEEK you're sadly mistaken.<br />
My role model is Tara Strong. If you don't know who she is, SHAME BE TO YOU ALL!!!<br />
My fave quote; "People who don't know me think I'm quiet. People who do know me wish I were." There have never been truer words spoken.<br />
I like all animals, but wolves and pandas trump most others. - Avg. rating:
Alright, here
it is my 2nd
one this year.
I guess the
write more
things had gone
out the w - Be cruel
- Poetry And Lyrics
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