DAY 1:Good Morning, class! pt~1
No one really knew what to expect on thier first year at Bensen High School, esspecially 14 year old Haturo Kesumo. Knowing that all of her freinds had either moved to a different school district or just moved, she didnt know what to expect. Her father said his good-byes, kissed her forhead, and booted her out of his car and into the Hellish Heaven that is Bensen High! As her father drove off Haturo just stood there by the curb looking at the colassle 3-story high school. At that moment an SUV roared up to the curb next to Haturo, and out stepped a very tired looking girl, uniform wriknled and one eye half opened. "Have a good first day, Sweetie." called a voice from inside the SUV. The girl mearly grunted, as a way to respond? The girl took a few steps and tripped over one of her untied shoe laces. Her books and papers flew all over the side walk. Haturo,being the semi-nice girl that she is, ran over to help the poor girl. "Are you ok?" Haturo asked picking up papers. "Ok...that hurt." The girl said but her voice was muffled a bit because her face was smashed into the pavement. Haturo helped her up and continued to pick up the girl's scatterd papers. "You a freshie?" The girl asked brushing the dirt off of her red pleated skirt. "Yeah, how'd ta know?" Haturo responded picking up the last of the papers and handing them to the girl. "Well for one; almost no one at this joint is that nice. And two; ur uniform still has fold markes on it." the girl pointed out. Hatoru blushed and said "GAH?! Really?! I thought I ironed those out this morning! Is it really that noticable?!" The girl laughed a little and said "no never mind, forget I said anything." "I'm Haturo Kesumo." "The names Yasu Tsudane, my friends call me YoYo!" Haturo giggled a bit and they both walked into a whole new experience they would not expect....
To Be Continued...
Ice Breakers ch1 pt1
this is a simple romance story with a few laughs and tears thrown in the mix...hope you like it...ps srry that its so short :sweat:
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