• Prologue

    Nine riders clip-clopped down the rode, each one with a stony face. Each rider rode a different horse. Suddenly, ten women met with them, and the tenth woman spoke in a cold voice “Where is the tenth” The riders did not reply. The woman who had spoken was pushed aside as the other nine women stepped forward, with babies in their hands. Each rider placed their hand on the baby’s forehead. A glowing mark, in the shape of a crescent moon scarred the child’s face. The woman who had been pushed aside looked at the beautiful baby elf in her arms. A tear ran down her cheek.

    Suddenly, the wind began to blow at an extreme rate, and the sky darkened. Each rider looked to the sky. The marks on their foreheads began to glow, as a tenth rider suddenly appeared. The other riders stepped aside, and the mysterious new rider walked towards the woman. He removed his gloves, and laid his hand upon the child’s head, and yet another mark appeared on the child’s face.

    A gunshot was heard, and the riders scattered. But it was too late. A rain of shots and arrows rained down upon the riders, and soon they were all on the ground, either dead or dying. An evil looking group of people stepped up onto the ridge, laughing like maniacs. One yelled “THEY ARE DEAD! THE HUNTERS HAVE WON! MUAHAHAHA”

    Chapter 1
    The Worm in Master’s Soup

    A young elven girl sprinted down the hallway, laughing. An older elf ran after her, shouting “Get back here!” The little girl stopped for a moment, and then stuck her tongue out at the older elf. She said “Oh come on Master Dias. Why can’t I play for a little bit? I’m always in boring lessons about some boring old people” The elf who the little girl had identified as Master Dias reached her, and stood panting, and then began to speak “Not as old as I used to be. Now, Princess Jessar, we must finish our daily lessons on the ancient philosophy of Gejactism, then you have to go to your swords lesson” Jessar groaned, but then followed Master Dias back down the hall to the royal classroom.

    Several hours later, Jessar marched down to the dining hall, after being forced into a dress that was too tight. A servant opened the door for her, and bowed. She thanked him, and then stepped inside, where her mother and father, the King and Queen of Elves were. Jessar sat down at her seat and looked down at the table. Her father spoke “Jessar, Master Dias told me that you ran away from him today.” Jessar nodded, not saying anything, expecting a punishment. She was only six, but was being drilled in everything. Her father chuckled; his deep throaty laugh then said “Old Master Dias must have had a hard time catching up to you. Come here, my beautiful little girl, and sit on your old father’s lap.” Jessar smiled, and looked at her mother. Her mother was smiling also, amused. She skipped over to her father, and put herself on his lap. Her father hugged her, and then looked at her face. His features turned a bit sour as he looked at the mark that was on her forehead. No one knew how it had got there. She had not been born with it. He then said “Jessar, we really must have your mark covered up. I don’t like having that scar dominate your forehead. “Jessar nodded.

    Suddenly, the servants arrived with the food, and Jessar pushed herself off her father’s lap, and sat on her seat. A servant placed her favorite food on her plate then cut some up. Jessar smiled. Lemon Mango Fele was her favorite dish. Digging in, Jessar did not notice the look her father gave to her mother.

    Back in her room, Jessar laid in bed, looking out the window, at the stars. Somehow, the darkness of night always made her feel like something was missing. She sighed, and then put a hand on her mark. For such a tender age, Jessar was quite intelligent. Just as she drifted off to sleep, Jessar whispered to no one in particular, “Darkness, Darkness, I’m a part of Darkness….”

    That morning, a servant screamed. The King and Queen rushed over to the sound of the scream, which had come from Jessar’s room. The hurried in, and said “What?” The servant shakily pointed to Jessar’s bed. The King and Queen looked, and saw what the servant had meant.

    A small, black, but fearsome looking dragon slept in Jessar’s bed, oblivious to all that was happening. Suddenly, the dragon opened its eyes, and there was a flash of light. Then there was Jessar, sleeping. She opened her eyes, looked around, and said “What? Did you find the worm in Master Dias’ soup?” Her parents, along with the servants, said nothing, horrified. Then her father broke the silence, in a cold tone “You, Jessar, have proven yourself unworthy of your ranking in Elven society. You were one day going to be Queen. Now, that is an option that shall never happen. We had no idea we were harboring a monster. There is no place for such a beast in this castle, nor on THIS PLANET! OUT OF MY CASTLE! OUT OF MY COUNTRY! OUT OF MY LIFE!” The last part of his rant ended in a shout. Jessar, confused, began crying. Her father, the softy old father that had a soft spot for kittens, and had kitty slippers, was screaming at her. And she had no idea why.

    Jessar got up from her bed, grabbed her favorite stuffed animal, and sprinted down the hall, still in her nightgown, and still crying.

    Once she was out of the castle, Jessar stopped in the woods, and climbed a tree, where she sobbed. She could still hear her father shouting in the castle. Then and there, she decided she would never, ever forgive her parents. Her eyes suddenly flared red, and her dragon form emerged. Feeling complete somehow, Jessar picked up her teddy with her claw, and tried to fly away. She was never seen again in the Elven Country for hundreds of years.