• Kina walked through the forest as she went exploring to find what she had saw moments ago.She pictured a gigantic hole in the ground as she had seen a gigantic unknown object that she thought was a meteorite in her mind.She has been known for trouble and exploring.She is the one in class who is known for being in trouble and when it is caused by someone else every body goes in to shock at what they hear. Hmmm wonder were it went off to? she thought as she found a path to follow as she went on with her search.Kina walked up a hill that came in her path, when she came to the top she noticed that her vision was correct.She started to climb down the slope to see what she had seen from her bedroom window.She noticed it was not gigantic like expected it to be but it was a mere necklace with a crystal on it the crystal was a magnificent green blue color.She went to pick up the stone and put it around her neck.She got to the top of the slope and sat down flipped her bag to the position she could look through it and she reached for her small sketch book and a pencil and started to draw the scene that was right in front of her.She knew she would never give up the crystal,because it had become the most valued thing she owned.When she was done drawing she put her small sketch book and pencil in her bag and got up from were she was sitting and went back the way she came.She soon got lost as she usually would in any situation were she had to remember things.She walked for what seemed like hours in her mind.She suddenly spots an unknown boy and she saw that he was crying.She than ran over to the boy and said "hi, i'm kina and you are?"she wondered if he had even herd her but at last he said "Hi kina, i'm kian"he smiled at her with every word he said as she had smiled at him the whole time since she spoke."Why were you crying kian?''she asked him as she was still curios about that."ah nothing, do you want to sit down?" he asked her as he answered the question "ok,so why are you here any way i was looking for something i saw and you?"she asked as she sat down next to him."Nothing just waiting for you i suppose, i had a feeling that i would meet you here or something"he said as he answered her question and he took her hand to get up as he grabbed a near by branch and got him self up and then her a few seconds later.Kian heard something coming and he grabbed kina by the waist and jumped up in to the tree they were sitting by.As a giant beast jumped out of the bushes behind them and suddenly it stopped sniffed the air and headed for the tree they were in.It started to climb the tree as it had seen the two in the tree.It opened it jaws and a growl started to form in it's throat.Maybe it just wants to play kina thought.''Wait maybe she just wants to play"she said as kina noticed the beast was a girl."Maybe it wants to eat us maybe it does want to play with us, while getting us ready to be eaten"kian yelled to kina and holding her back from the beast."lets see then i'll name her if she does not eat me i'm right how bout that"kina said getting away from kian and closer to the beast."Hmmm what should we call you......Yuro, how bout yuro does that sound good?"kina asked he her."Rrraaaaa(yea that sounds great)"yuro said back to kina."Great now yuro is your name but we don't know what type of creature you are"kina said to yuro in reply."Black fox, Black Fox yuro is a black fox can't you tell"Kian said aloud so kina could hear him."How do you know kian, is that true yuro?" kina asked kian than yuro "Because she is black and a fox, can't you see"Kian answered to her "you really are a baka" adding in a soft voice so she could not him."Raa(he's right accully)"yuro said with a sigh.Yuro eard a craking sound from the branch and pushed kian and kina off and jumpped under them to break their fall as a white fur blured her face and she had to jump back and than ran under kina at least but she could not reach kian and looked around to see if she could see him as kina gained conceceness she mumbled "hey what h-happened yuro,wheres kian?".
    Kian woke with a headack as he noticed he was in an unformilier area and found no sign of kina but instead he saw snow white paws in front of him, and looked up to see a artic fox above him."Raaaa(are you ok)"the artic fox sad to him "who are you what happend to kina and yuro why am i on the ground instead of in the tree with kina and yuro?" he asked so many and the artic fox just looked at him."Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(I am Yuki and that is what you may refer to me as I don't know and anyone named kina and yuro the black fox well long story and you are on the ground because yuro pushed you off to save you from the unexpected drop where he could not be able to save you or that kina person but i saw he was going after both of you and I knew it was imposible and went after you)" yuki said answering all of the questions.