A Whisper In the Night (9)
"Rome!" I screamed as loud as I could. "Nicky"! Rome ran back into the door we just left. "Spider Queen, is attacking one of us!" I heard something break and then there was about 20 vampires that ran outside. I looked down at my leg. The black thing that had grabbed me was a hairy leg of a spider. "Tasha let me go, now!" All of a sudden a a blue like mist came out of my hand and set Tasha flying down the alley. Rome grabbed me. "She's the keeper of the powers!" An older looking vampire came up to me. "Dear Nicky, you have the powers. You can do... A lot. Be careful goddess, be careful." All the vamps went back inside. "Rome... This is amazing!" He was wide eyed and smiling. "Let's get home, dear."
About two minutes later we got back to the island. We ran up to the house. "They're here." I whispered and drifted outside. Rome came out a few seconds later. "Here we are to celebrate a life or a death celebration were vamps and spiders collide!" Tasha's powerful voice danced around us. "Where is she?" I whispered. Tasha, Jake, and Jeff came out of the forest in front of us. Jake ran over to me crying. "Nicky! What's happening?" I hugged him back. He sighed and stopped crying."Jacob, Jeffery in the middle now." They obeyed Tasha and stared at me. "So here we go! Me and Rome are vampires. While Tasha is the Spider Queen. You both must decide which to be. A Spider. Or a Vampire! Jeff and Jake. Vamp, Spider, or Human?" I said the word human with a bit of disgust. Being human had been to... Too plain. Tashes sneered. "Jeffery she's no vamp and neither is her boyfriend!" I laughed. "Sush it spider!" The same blue like mist came out of my hand and slammed Tasha into the nearest tree. "You b***h!" Tasha shifted into her spider form and pounced on me.
A black mist closed around me right before she punced onto me. Blocking her from attacking me. She leaped off of me and and growled out of rage. She shifted back into human form. Rome tried to help me out but the black mist stung him. "Nick, get rid of the black mist." I nodded and the black mist faded away. I jumped to my feet. "She is a vampire!" Jeff looked down. "Nicky, Jake." I snapped my head up to look at him. "You guys arn't related in any way." Jake shook his head, almost about to cry. I just stood there frozen. "Jake, your real parents died many years ago when you were just an infant. Your real name is Adam Night." Jake looked down clearly angry with his "father." "I knew I wasn't your son. I knew Nicky was my best-friend instead of my sister. But no! You had to wait until I was 15 to tell me the ******** truth! I pick vampire, and that's final!" I smiled, clearly beaming. Jake walked over and hugged me. "Thank you... Adam." Rome looked over at Tasha. Her eyes were a bright red. "Please call me Adam from now on. everyone." Me, Rome, and Jeff nodded. "Jeff decide." Rome said calmly. "I do not care! I am staying human... For now. But since I have to pick a side... I pick my family over a spider." He walked over to us. Tasha growled and ran off the way she came. "Rome will take you home. You do not belong near two, er, three vampires." He nodded and walked off to the dock. "Nick change him. I love you," He dispeared off into the night. "Well Adam... Let's get you changed."
A Whisper In the Night (9)
Lunar Lullabies
Chapta 9 (:
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