Barry walked the halls. The sound of his cleats hitting the floor made the tension of anger at his coach drown out. The people passing by had no idea what had happened. Barry didn't want to even admit it. But he knew the story was going to go around school at any point, growing like a virus. It wasn't his fault, of course not, he wasn't thinking. It was all Riley's fault. That stupid waste of space shouldn't even be alive, Barry thought. Then he saw Marxy coming towards him, she looked angry than him. Her steps were even more menacing then her icy stare. She knew. Of course she knew. She knew everything. Right as she was only a foot away, he ducked around the corner and hid in the normal make out spot everybody made out in. Barry hid behind a couple that didn't even notice his stalking behind them. Marxy's loud polyester cheerleading outfit moved right past him. It was dark, she wouldn't possibly try to look. As soon as she was gone, he went back out and straight to the art room. Flicking paint at a random canvas would help, hopefully.
Marxy was furious! How could Barry do that to her? He knew, he knew, how much drugs ruined her entire family. She told him over and over again about it. He hadn't listened, that much was for sure. Besides the drugs, he was cheating on her, with Miss Aleana, the art teacher. She wanted to punch his face so bad even though she knew she'd probably break her hand in the process. After she had checked every space looking for his stupid head, even in the makeout corner, she gave up. She needed a friend, but since going out with Barry she had lost every single one she had built up. The only one she had left was a total accident and for sure not her first pick, Riley. It was by pure chance that they got to know each other. Paired up in English only a few months ago. He quickly became her best, and only, friend. She needed to find him, right now. And finally confront those lingering feelings since last Saturday. That Night. That amazing, wonderful, perfect night.
Riley bobbed his head to the music. Crazy Skulls blasted their screaming chorus's proving to be as angry as Barry probably was right about now. Riley smiled. It was Barry's own fault after all, cheating on Miss Perfect with Miss Hot Teacher. Riley almost couldn't blame Barry for what he did. He would've done the same thing probably. He was kinda doing the same thing right now, minus the cheating. Lying to get into Marxy's pant's was proving to be very interesting. Though he'd already succeeded to get the muffin buttered, he wanted to fully take this girl then break her down to rubble. It was only fair with all the humiliation he suffered through in middle school. Nobody remembered him, he left school because of all the bullying, then came back totally different. He went from geek to bad a**. Nobody tried to mess with him, and those who dared at first, got pushed to the ground and need plastic surgery to fix the damage. It was all so delicious, all the deceit, the sex, the total 180 of the whole thing. And it was only going to get better. It was almost time for the final blow...almost. It was gonna come, and it was coming soon. And there was no possible way to stop it after it would start. He smiled and went back to his music. He saw Barry in the art room. It was time.
- by dangerinthehalls |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 05/31/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Broken Appearances
- Artist: dangerinthehalls
Barry Lenord, he's known in his high school as the shining star.
Marxy Gleen is at the top of the pyramid, literally. She needs an outlet, anyway she can, so maybe when she meets Riley O'Harren things might start looking up...or just get worse.
Riley O'Harren is not what you'd call Mr. Nice. He doesn't plan to win an award for Most Likely to Succeed or Mr. Well Liked. School is a joke, are you kidding, is his outlook. - Date: 05/31/2010
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