• As we get older, there are times we glance back at the back door and see what was on the other side, wether it was good or bad. But when I open that door, and see my youthful, ignorant self, I tend to walk over to him and say; "Look what you did... You shouldn't have done that, idiot. Go back and fix it. It was your responsibility". Then that arrogant kid will show me his tounge and run off.
    To be frank with you ladies and gentlemen, I wish I haven't done the things when I was younger. If I have one thing that I regret, It would be in this story.

    I used to be a deliquent, a teen who always looked for trouble or a fight. There are times I would cause great deal of damage, and I'll be sitting in the corner, just watching other people clean up my mess. To tell you the truth, it never felt good doing those things, but I did them anyways. I would tear up a car for no real reason, I would vandalize the school walls just for the heck of it, I would purposly look for a fight just because I was bored, and that fight, led me into the torture chamber of responsibility. I pushed a friend of mine into a window. He had cuts all over his face along with his hands, and serioiusly damaged his left eye which could have been blinded. I saw him bleeding on the school desk, almost unconcious. I stood there, terrified of what I've done. This was the first time "Responsibility" affected me; and when that teacher was yelling at me, when the child's mother was screaming at me, when my mother slapped me, when my other friends called me heartless, I almost wanted to die. I felt that this time, I'm not going to watch other people clean up my mess. I went to the hospital and looked for my friend, well, supposedly thought he was my friend. I went to his room, kneeled in front of his bed, and begged for forgiveness. He slowly turned his head over to me and I heard a small voice; "Just pray". I looked back at him thinking that he was glaring at me... He was smiling.

    That was all I did, ask for forgivness. Back then, I was relieved when he was smiling at me and knowing that I was forgiven. But when I think about it now, I feel... awfully empty. Even though it was my responsibilty, I didn't do much. All I did was ask for forgivness that I don't deserve. This is the time I wish I smacked my younger self and beat the devil out of him. But sometimes... I do suppose a single forgivness can solve a problem. After that incident, I went to church and prayed for him. Because of him, I was able to realize what I have done all these years and got out of the pit of deliquency. Today, I still go to school and live life without hurting anyone or anything, respecting and forgiving like my friend. This is the time when I look back at the back door and see what's on the other side. I see myself, a little older than before.