• I awoke with a start, startled by the buzz of my alarm clock. I climbed down from my bed and began my morning routine. I grabbed my glasses off a table and picked up some clothes off my floor and carried them to the bathroom. After I showered, dressed, shaved, and brushed my teeth I put my stuff together to go to school. I put on my shoes, skipping breakfast. I never seem to have time for breakfast anymore. Leaving my house I walked down the street and began walking to school.

    When I arrived I stowed the things in my locker, normally I would have talked to my friends a bit but the first bell had just rung, and so I grabbed my accounting text book and continued to my first class. Mr. Lehman’s class was boring and uneventful, he handed out more busy work. I completed his work in about 10 minutes and filled the rest of my class googleing random stuff with no coherence.
    My next class was English 10. A good class, which I enjoy. Mostly because I’m good at it. It was there that I was assigned to write my own autobiography. We had just gotten done reading an autobiography of a young Jewish boy in a concentration camp during the holocaust. How am I to write an autobiography after being foreshadowed by that, how could any of my hardships compare to his? Sure I have events in my life that some people might consider difficult, but nothing interesting or different from something that anybody else would experience. I also didn’t want to make some long and depressing pity paper, I tossed the thought aside. I would think of something good later. The bell rang and I headed to lunch.

    I Don’t have a lunch today, I usually don’t have one anyway. I’m too lazy to pack a lunch and I always forget to ask my mom for lunch money. By the end of the day I was exhausted. My brain felt fried from geometry, math has never been my strong point. I had no idea how I was going to pass, and I still had no idea what to do for my autobiography. However, all that did not matter anymore. It was the end of the day and I had one thing on my mind. Going home, and relaxing. I usually think about random things on my way home from school, today I wonder what color my dog’s skin was. I mean if his fur is brown, is his skin brown? Or is it a black or a crème? When I arrived at my house I put a pot of water on the stove to boil and got out a package of ramen noodles. Ramen is all I seem to ever eat since I’ve gotten my braces. While I waited I started my computer, checking my facebook. With facebook checked and water boiled I put the noodles in the pot. I knew this recipe by heart. Not that hard to remember at all. Which is one of the reasons I love ramen.

    Later that night, and after a large head ache I finished my geometry homework. I still had to come up with something for an autobiography and I had no idea what to do. Too many events in my life, how could I fit them all into 2 pages and make it substantial? Maybe I was over thinking this whole thing, maybe I should just start small, something just normal. That’s when it hit me. I sat down at my computer and began to write, It sounded something like this: “I awoke with a start, startled by the buzz of my alarm clock…”