Playing a game of whiffle ball in the gym I rememeber my team just switched from batting to playing in the out and in field. I chose to be first baseman since everyone else was in the outfield and it was the only base open. My best friend whose name I am not allowed to give forth at this time was holding the bat at the ready as she stepped up to bat. I was trying not to laugh because she is left handed and not many people were left handed at our shool.
Just as the pitcher tossed the ball and my BFF hit it I was already waiting for the pass to get her out. But as I was turning around to see what was taking them so long to grab the ball and throw it to me the ball rolled past my foot. I leaned down to snatch it off the ground when my best friend running at full speed slipped on the rubber base a tackled me to the ground.
This may have happened very fast for every other girl in the gym but it was all slow motion for me. The impact, the fall, the landing, but most of all the pain. It was the worst I had felt in all my life. As i layed on the floor I realized that my friend was okay as she stood up and seemed unharmed but I knew wasn't. As I tryed to get up the pain, that I had located in my leg right around the ankle, was increased by a lot. Gently putting my head on the floor I watched as our PE coach was walking over to me. Later I found out that he was thinking of how bad my leg was based on the look on my face.
That was the best tackle of all and it broke my leg. Because I didn't cry some of the snobsters( snob plus monster) in my class thought I was faking but a week later I went into surgery and couldn't go back to school for a whole month. I of course forgave my friend but some people in my school didn't.
And that was that a painful but entertaining moment in my life!
The best tackle of all
watashi wa kyo2
this happened to me in 9th grade. My best friend had the best tackle but its target wasn't too happy! enjoy!
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