• †You saved me from danger,
    †You protected me from harm,
    †I was kept so safe in your arms,

    †I breathe as you do,
    †You keep me from falling down,
    †You help me stand,

    †You're willing to do it all,
    †To make me happy,
    †Even if it means your not,

    †You came from heaven,
    †To protect someone,
    †And you found me,
    †And I stole your heart away,

    †You’re always here beside me,
    †Noble and strong,
    †The love you have for me,
    †Can go on for an eternity,

    †You know how to make me smile,
    †You kept me from being hurt to bad,
    †You know how to keep me happy,
    †You kept me from bringing harm to myself;

    †You’re the greatest gift of all,
    †No matter how much I'd fight,
    †You'd be here too,
    †I understand why,
    †I love you the way I do,

    †If you’re not my angel,
    †Then I don't know who is,
    †All's I really know,
    †Is that when I feel your kiss,
    †I feel on top of the world,

    †You're willing to do all you can,
    †To save me from the worlds hate,
    †Never able to leave my side,
    †You’re the angel that won't hide,

    †If I knew how to put you into words,
    †I would,
    †But you're indescribable,
    †This feeling in my heart,
    †It tingles when I say your name,

    †When I look into your eyes,
    †I see all that you are,
    †My protector,
    †My true love,
    †My heart keeper,

    †You'll always be mine,
    †And you don't give up on me,
    †You stand beside me,
    †Keeping me strong,

    †You're my true love,
    †You're my golden light,
    †Stay in my heart forever,
    †I know I'm in yours,

    †You know how to make the sunshine,
    †On a gloomy day,
    †You'll be here for everything,
    †And anything,

    †You won't let me down,
    †You’ve kept me from doing wrong,
    †In your embrace,

    †I feel like I'm in a place,
    †A place where you are just with me,
    †A place where I want to be,

    †You won't ever leave me,
    †Even if I push you away,
    †You'll always love me,
    †And you show me that,
    †All the time.†