• He’s got long blonde hair and shiny brown eyes,
    I do all I can to make him look my way
    I try so hard but all I do is fail

    Listen girls and listen close,
    I know what it’s like to be that way
    Always trying so very hard to get him by your side
    Listens girls just not your guy
    You say he’s perfect, great, and all the rest
    His smile is so glissading white and he wears the clothes that are the best
    But listen girls he’s not meant for you

    She’s perfect Miss America
    The one I wanna be
    She’s even got the guy that should be with me
    Maybe he likes, maybe he doesn’t, I guess we’ll have to wait and see
    But all I know
    Is I’ve got to go
    And change myself again
    To maybe impress him

    Listen girls and listen close,
    I know what it’s like to be that way
    Always trying so very hard to get him by your side
    Listens girls just not your guy
    You say he’s perfect, great, and all the rest
    His smile is so glissading white and he wears the clothes that are the best
    But listen girls he’s not meant for you

    I know there one guy who likes me for who I am
    But he’s just not the one I want
    So girls listen and listen well
    I know it feels like you’ve failed
    But while you’re trying to impress that one guy
    There’s another guy out there trying to impress you
    And you just seem to pass him by

    It goes in a circle girls
    It goes in a circle boys
    Just be yourself and you can finally rejoice

    Listen girls and listen close,
    I know what it’s like to be that way
    Always trying so very hard to get him by your side
    Listens girls just not your guy
    You say he’s perfect, great, and all the rest
    His smile is so glissading white and he wears the clothes that are the best
    But listen girls he’s not meant for you

    There are other guys out there
    Just waiting for you
    If you just give them a chance
    Maybe they’ll be your prince
    So you can live a life in a fairytale
    And finally have your happily ever after.