• Truly I must suggest that you are a beauty
    Yet I do truly suspect that you are not from here
    I would try to be curt and not so rudely
    Tell You what you would daily hear

    You own porcelain skin
    That my eyes dare not to dirty or taint
    You are such a rare thing
    But I would surely swoon and faint

    Your smile makes me joyous and cheerful
    Your presence makes me honored
    Your eyes sparkle so hurtful
    Your eyebrow would seem bothered

    Your hands are so delicate and sweet
    Your nose so childish and young
    Your blush I shall compare to a red beet
    Your voice like what angels have sung

    Your worried expression to that of a mother
    Your eyelashes innocent like a Doe
    Your lips so full of red makes me hotter
    Your hair framing your face of woe

    Your heart beats so ever rare
    I question if you are human
    to which I must not compare
    You are more radiant than other women

    Your frown would just surprise me
    I would hurt the one to blame
    Why, who would ever think of hurting thee
    They must be punished and ashamed