• The Bi girl is sitting in her class...
    She is forced to be alone
    She is made fun of
    for just being her own.

    The Bi girl takes it all
    Not saying a thing
    She cant let the affect show,
    the tourture they bring.

    The Bi girl sits there
    letting them have their fun
    but inside she's hurting,
    just wanting to run.

    The Bi girl is home
    Laying on her bed
    Crying her eyes out,
    a pillow ontop her head.

    The Bi girl never knew
    that another actualy liked her
    the one that liked her for who she was
    was nothing but a blur.

    The Bi girl goes back to school
    she sat back down in her seat.
    The one that liked her
    came to her to meet.

    The Bi girl smiled
    for the first time in years.
    Her new found friend and her
    blew away their fears.

    The Bi girl and her friend
    started holding hands.
    Thinking how silly it was,
    for them to to foil their plans.

    The Bi girl is happy
    not caring about her peers.
    From then on
    she was not going to shed her tears.

    The Bi girl lives on her own now,
    living with her friend.
    The only one that liked her...
    Thats why she's her girlfriend.