• My name's Seto Kaiba
    And I'm here to say
    I've got all the girlies
    They think I'm so gay
    There's Joey, Yugi
    And even my brother
    These fangirls are horny
    More than the others

    I've got fans, fame
    And a fortune to boot
    Some girls marry me
    Just for my loot

    There is one boy
    Who I vow to beat
    He says heart of the cards
    And then he defeats

    It's not about heart
    It's about the power
    Beat your opponents
    Until they all cower!

    You say magic exists?
    Say hello to my fist
    To believe such a tale
    Means you instantly fail

    I'll wrap it up now
    Just heed what I say
    And remember my name
    It's The Great Seto K