• i walk alone
    forest floor soft beneeth my feet
    the trees softly groan
    with the wind's lively beat

    cardnals and blue jays pass by
    colorful and beautiful
    in the early morning sky
    their wings so powerful

    bears awaken from their long slumber
    eyes full of nowledge
    out of their caves they lumber
    they bound across a rocky cliff's edge

    i walk alone
    i watch in wonder as the forest comes to life
    feet shuffling through dry grass were light had shown
    rocks stick out from the ground; sharp as knife

    the bark of the trees
    rough on my hands
    the soft buzzing of bees
    as i walk these distant lands

    a fox scampers across an overturned log
    how graceful it leaps
    it disapears into the early morning fog
    fast pace it keeps

    i walk alone
    the soles of my bare feet dirtying
    i enjoy the silence the forest has loan
    how nice it is to walk along enjoying

    rabbits hide in their holes
    as i walk by
    their eyes black as coals
    they fear the hunters or they would surely die

    the forest is alive
    a living breathing thing
    everything totally in sinqe just as a bee hive
    with pollution a deadly virus hurting

    i walk alone