• How can I miss you, honey
    If you never go away
    What else can I tell you
    I can't find a better way

    Your eyes are like a spyglass
    High, peering all about
    Never being a window
    Always looking out

    You never say you're sorry
    And your hands are cold as ice
    You refuse to tell the whole truth
    And will never take advice

    How can I miss you, honey
    If you never go away
    All you do is sit there
    And stay, and stay, and stay

    There are days when you don't see me
    You just lay there on your side
    Eyes clenched shut in misery
    Still mumbling out your lies.

    You keep on saying you love me
    And once I thought it was true
    But now all I can think is how
    I didn't really know you.

    So how can I miss you
    If you never go away
    I'm sick to death of all of this
    And there's nothing more to say.