• Premature Annihilation

    What color is the baby's blood
    Unborn from such a wretched mother
    To cast aside her young before
    Its mouth can yet protest?

    Twist the stem to pick forbidden fruit
    Succulent juices trickle from your lips
    Poison leaks from the snake’s bloody sheets
    Take responsibility

    A child from a child cannot be born
    Thrown into the darkest pits
    Judged and exiled for no crime
    But that of wishing for a first breath

    Two evils reunited for creation of the sin
    Unexpected though all too probable
    Rid yourself of shame by shaming your body
    Needles and knives carve away

    Cleanse yourself in the blood
    While muddying yourself within
    Scars left to remind you of the past's
    Joyful crimes and slanderous redemptions

    The first cry is never heard
    Nothing to fill your empty arms
    You wanted to be disburdened
    So don't expect the prize

    You'll never know what you've lost.