• Everything happens for a reason
    Somewhere out there
    Or somewhere in here
    I can't seem to tell
    But I think of your name
    And I hear a bell

    Soon i hope
    And maybe when
    I'm not being a mope
    I can see your face

    Or hear your voice
    And hear you whisper
    In my ear
    Saying "I love you

    And that I'm
    never letting you go"
    And seeing you wake
    I smile up at you

    To you
    Seeing my pretty face
    And wonderful smile
    As you hold me tight

    I feel your warmth
    Slowly blending
    Into me
    Along with your love

    Sun is shining down
    On to me
    To where I was laying

    It seem like the heavens
    Were saying that I
    Was perfect for you
    And you heard angels singing

    It just seem to so weird
    At the time I guess....
    And the clouds were opening up
    I get out of bed and get dress

    Walked down stairs
    You sat up in bed
    For awhile and wondered
    How on earth were you able to find
    A wonderful person like me?

    And followed me down stairs
    To the kitchen
    I was sitting at the island
    And you came up behind me

    And gave me a hug and kiss
    On my cheek
    And said "I'm soo glad that your in
    My life, please don't leave me in the dust
    of your past. I want to be in your future"

    I don't want to ever lose you
    When you said that
    I blushed and kept eating
    I turned round and kiss you back

    And I continue eating my toast
    You took a seat
    Next to me
    And you just stare at me eating

    I look at you and ask
    "Why are you watching me eat?"
    All you had to say that you were just
    Amazed by my beauty

    So I continue eating
    I am done eating
    We just sit there
    And just chat

    I walk away
    And sit down on the sofa
    You follow again
    I lean my head on your shoulder

    And you rub my head
    So we just sat there
    In the silence
    Then you give me a hug

    I hug you back
    And I say that I love you
    Whenever I say that I feel
    Like I'm being lifted up into

    The heavens
    "Did you ever say
    That you would die
    Just to be with me?"

    Later that night
    I was out with my friends
    I walked home
    And I couldn't wait for you

    To see me walk
    Through the door
    To see me smiling
    And you hugged me

    As I was walking
    A man in a black sports car
    Passed by me
    And fired.....

    I screamed.....
    You heard my scream
    You came running
    You found me

    Bleeding on the road
    You keeled down
    And cried
    Holding my head

    The next day...
    I was carried away in a car
    After all that has happened
    You found the shotgun that

    I had under my bed
    And shot yourself
    You did suicide
    Just so you could stay with me

    In the heavens
    You were also carried away in a car
    We were both
    In heaven together

    I once heard this
    "Everything happens for a reason"
    There was no reason for this
    The man who had shot me

    Was arrested for doing murder
    And sent to jail
    That's the end for him
    And for you and I

    But we still live the house
    No one dares to buy the house
    Because they think that it
    Would be haunted

    And their right
    It's being used
    By me and you