• From the moment I awoke,
    The moment I stood,
    The moment I took a breathe of air,
    I know something was missing.

    I'm incomplete,
    Shattered inside,
    And yet on the outside,
    I appear fine.

    I laugh now,
    I realize the lie I've told myself,
    Nothing has changed,
    But a little self control.

    I need to stand up for myself,
    To the one person I've feared my entire life,
    The man I call father,
    To the man who ruined my mother.

    His past, no, my past,
    Are not left behind,
    He thinks I've truely forgiven him,
    I thought I had,
    I thought I could.
    I lied.

    I try so hard,
    And back out each time.
    He can't see how I hurt inside.
    I assemble a plan,
    and yet again it ends in disaster.

    His past,
    My past,
    I must take a stand,
    And show him how I feel,
    Show him what he has to account for.

    I'm still afraid,
    I think I know what he will say,
    More excuses he too has convinced himself are truths.
    What is the point,
    What will I accomplish,
    What would that do?

    Give me peace of mind and heart,
    So that we may start again.