• I hate this
    I hate this place
    She's up with her fists
    But I know her face

    I feel her there
    I see her in sight
    There's nothing she can bare
    There was only that fight

    Nothing to come
    Nothing to drive her
    Nothing over some
    Nothing to pull her

    (chorus x2)

    All I can say
    I'm alive
    That's today
    She's alive
    Let someone say
    We're alive

    Someone save me
    Nobody can see
    Someone save her
    No ones there
    But we're alive
    We're alive

    (chorus x3)

    Let some one
    Let her go
    She's not having fun
    Let me go
    Let me go

    (chorus x4)

    She's only fine
    And I'm the one who's not
    It's all in my mind
    We haven't fought
    We haven't fought
    It's all in my mind
    But I'm alive
    And she's alive
    We're alive
    We're alive