• i sit between the bright light and the dim dark.
    Should i run towards the bright light or away from it.
    Many say run away from it but i feel that i should run towards it.
    As i run towards the light getting faint, tired, weak, and the hope to just let go.
    I stop running and look back nothing but pitch black.
    Maybe people run to the light cause its comforting...as where the darkness is uneasy and unsure.
    Maybe its a test... a test for your will to live.
    Its easy to run towards something so comforting.
    but its hard to face your fears of the unknown and go to the darkness.
    I decide to search the unknown.
    Next thing i know i wake up and find my self in a hospital bed, recovering form something horrible.
    I tested my will to live and I passed i will live and i do live. its not always a bad thing to run to the dark sometimes its a good thing....and good things happen in weird ways.
    remember the bright light isnt always good and the dim dark isnt always bad.