• Mother

    And though you walk with an aura of calm
    Though you find your pleasure in the care
    You award so loyally to those around you
    Who sometimes, most likely even just
    For the moment do not deserve it
    You continue bravely and I admire

    And on your immortal soul
    With the missing “I” and “M”
    The fragmented stronghold of the missing “I am”
    With your comfort zone extended
    And those uninvited pushing forth the
    Fragmentation and unease
    Finding yourself breathing through the creases
    In your unordinary yet fully necessary little world

    Those who daren’t appear and on those who should
    You find your martyrdom, the unexplained persona
    Of female gone crazy, though not quite so
    Previously clung with nails embedded upon sanity
    And finding peace of mind in your pieces of mind
    With complicated roots and a family tree now falling
    You accomplish to stay on the right side of the wrong side
    And safely clinging, nails embedded upon your peace of mind

    And on your mother and your father, the genetics surely
    Safeguarded from opinion and gossip of the old ones with no lives
    And as of your ancestry and the roots underfoot the family
    The mother is unknown, her name and photographs
    Browning in the albums and slowly aged and thumbed
    They look within the past and pluck forth where you are from
    And the father is a question mark; an E-FIT never could get close
    No memories, no name, no home, a man who surely left a mark
    But yet an evader of identity and a man who truly is a secret

    I apologize in advance, knowing fully how
    A momentary thought vomited from the lips could dearly
    So clearly hurt you and force the uncomfortable silence
    Known to us as second nature, known to us as our second home
    But, mother, please listen and be silent, embed your nails now as I do mine
    Sometimes, mother, I feel as though you pass along the baton