• people will always lie
    friends will always die
    lovers will always cry
    sinners will always try

    pain will never cave
    love will never pass
    hate will never save
    life is like a glass

    we can see through it but we never see the same
    the distortions in our sight vary from day to day
    like the ripples on a pond the moons light wax and wanes
    the truth is somewhere but lies are everywhere

    so how do we know what is right and what is wrong?
    is it right to kill another, to kill a brother, a son, a dad?
    when is it right to kill, when is it right to save?
    not everything is what it seems behind the seams of life

    is what we see the reality or the twisted dream of fate?
    is it you who dreams of the butterfly that floats in a field
    or is it the lonely butterfly that dreams of company?
    very few things are true but these stay the same

    people will always lie
    friends will always die
    lovers will always cry
    sinners will always try

    pain will never cave
    love will never pass
    hate will never save
    life will never stay