• Once I gave away my heart,
    once I gave away my soul.
    I’ve given up the thing called “death”
    When I did, I lost all feelings
    And used my thoughts for tears
    Said with my dying breath “love”

    With, all of my, all of my love
    In every corner of my bleeding heart
    Bleeding out my poor, poor tears
    With my bloody hands staining your soul
    Why must human, mortals, be plagued with “feelings”?
    Yet, in all my life I’ve never faced death.

    Why? I sold my life to never face death!
    To never, ever see my love
    Showing her thoughts, feelings
    Things that should, and shall always be in my heart
    Things! They shall always stain our soul!
    With all of your, mine, our tears.

    O Almighty Ones! Why would we use these “tears”?
    Whenst we face one we call death,
    We hold them back, to stain our soul
    Yet always cleanse thyself with love
    The most generous thing in my heart
    Yet always stained with my feelings.

    Does a flower bloom solely on feelings?
    Showering themselves in their own tears
    Yet they still know nothing about my heart,
    they still must look forward to death.
    Why must you look forward to hate instead of Love?
    Must you always, always stain your soul?

    You must look forward to death,
    Look into your heart and Feelings,
    And Never let your tears stain your soul