• Here we go yet another try
    To get this poem that will make you laugh love and cry.
    The words that will play with your emotions once more,
    With simple phrases like "I'm Locked out of the door"
    A line from my head will soon be read
    By someone that might be reading in dread
    About what the words might reveal
    Or what thoughts I might conceal
    But here is my attempt at writing a poem
    Which is very much like painting a gnome
    You must be carfull in what you do in
    Every line or the poem might be ruined.
    So I will fill my poem with metaphoers and simalies,
    Like how the way the sun is a halo on the trees.
    Or maybe i will go deep inside your head,
    And ask you hypothetically whats really in your bed.
    If your bed can talk than what would it say?
    Do you know who else called that their spot to lay?
    Was it home of rats and beasts and other foul things?
    Or was that the spot where a new bride first received her ring?
    But my poem its like many poems,
    It has plenty of rhyme.
    Sometimes poems don't rhyme,
    Have you ever seen that?
    Well since this is my attempt at a poem,
    Maybe I shouldn't rhyme,
    Or maybe i should,
    And if i could,
    I should rhyme all the time.
    So this is my attempt at a poem,
    Don't tell me what you think,
    Because this poem is just an attempt
    By a poet that is a fake.