• The Shining Sun in Heavens make up the boy, Alone,
    The girl Maria is the one of the lunar star, the Moon
    Making these 2 heavenly bodies one,
    Combining both the Moon and the Sun,
    They create a new heavenly aura,
    The Stars that make up the heavens; the heavenly being called, Seiza,
    She resembles the stars you wish on at night,
    Granting your wishes, you Shining Knight,
    She leaves Alone at Nightlight,
    She leaves Maria in Daylight,
    The Knight in Shining Armor leaves her 2 siblings,
    Not a trace to be found of her, then Alone and Maria begin sobbing,
    In sorrow the Moon and Sun begin to have Eclipses,
    They grief until they are soon consumed by darkness,
    Their tears begin to eat at them and saddess takes over,
    It seems as if then Moon and Sun grasp on life is over,
    Then soon the stars begin to form, what's happening neither one knows,
    Then soon a rainbow forms over the cosmos,
    The stars form around Alone and Maria letting the go away,
    Then soon the light came in its place,
    They smiled with joy they knew who had come,
    It was their Knight in Shining Armor, Seiza the Heavenly One.