• Friends are kind
    Friends are helpful
    Friends like to find
    One another

    Friends always boast
    About each other
    Friends are a post
    And can lean on each other

    Friends remember the good
    Friends forget the bad
    Friends don’t take chances that could
    Damage their relations with each other

    In the worst pain
    Or the greatest happiness
    Friends can always gain
    Strength from each other

    I have to confess
    Im not always the best friend
    And I have created more then one mess
    That has been hard to clean up

    But those who stick by me
    Through thick and thin
    I hope that they will see
    A reward for staying close

    "Make new friends
    And keep the old
    One is silver
    The other is gold"

    So with new friends and with old
    There is always a chance
    That friends will grow cold
    I hope this won't happen to any of my friends with me