• U wake up and think about what your going to do today.
    First thing that comes to mind, is your friends
    Some will be there with you through thick and thin
    Others will just be there until you are gone
    We put these friends into 2 groups
    The real friends and the fake friends
    Your real friends are their for you
    Your fake friends aren’t
    Your real friends do their best to help
    Your fake friends don’t
    Your friends will always be their
    Whether they be real or fake
    Sometimes we need them so we can go on with life
    Friends will fight and friends will argue
    But we are friends for a reason so it shouldn’t matter
    Friends work things out and overcome obstacles together
    Friends are there for you when your family is not
    Friends are like family, you know that long lost cousin.
    Friends through thick and thin, you know I care about all of you
    My friends, I know your there for me too
    Lets get together and have fun. Lets Remember the good times and forget the bad
    Lets live
    Lets laugh
    And Lets Eventually Die
    Friends 4 ever