• If I found a broken heart,
    I wouldn't leave it lying
    On the cold ground were I found it,
    For it to fade away.
    I would keep that broken heart;
    I would cherish it with my own,
    Until the day was, when,
    Its master came to claim

    And all the other broken hearts,
    That were lying all around;
    I would treat them kindly too,
    Pick them up off of the ground.
    None would ever feel so lonely
    As they did so long ago.
    Why, because I'd treat them right
    To drown out their

    Then maybe, when my heart was broken,
    Some one would think of me,
    And the poor hearts that I'd found,
    They'd remember all I'd done,
    And pick my heart up off the ground.
    And I'd be very thankful,
    Just like those hearts were to me.
    Why, because my heart was spared
    Because of a kind deed.