• My beauty can thou take from thee? I shall neither fall nore complain to the sight of thy angel. No books tell of such warmth or compassion, but in her does thou come to conculsive thoughts of want. So few,so many, has thou come to thee but none are angelic to the stars as this beauty should be. Imprision me for lustful thoughts of you my darling, chain me not to the wall but to your heart for it is where no other but I shall lay my head at night,leave me my pain for it is rements of this night.No mountains of stone or hills of heaven shall keep me from my light,in darkness my heart has been, but lo my eyes have found not light but sun to cast me not away, my path so narrow so not,but in wanting to be it has come to thee. No food nore rest shall keep me awake for moments of love, what is a name that has my heart consealed in warm thoughts of thee,what long forgivness has my life turned to being not a want but to a need. Give not away what beauty you have my darling for no one but I shall see true beauty this night and all the days to come, what white gown does thou blow in my mind? What passion of gold does thou have two of? What far distance we have but can over come with out wasting air to breath? My love,my darling, My beauty cast me into your light and wash away my fear and disbelieve for none other holds this care over me,cut away the fur bringing you to the man inside the beast, Thou I look to morrow for thee but know my lady thou calls....