• love, unrequited, is something I would not wish upon my enimes.
    sitting afar, watching, hoping, hurting. with someone else, you are.
    Im happy when you smile, I could sit and watch that for a while,
    but its directed twords another man, while you walk the street, hand in hand.
    I love you, more than anything. And if we werent 2, but 1, I would shout that
    mesage to the sun, moon, stars, and sky, while the wind howls, and the wolves cry. even though we arent together, your touch makes me light as a fether. My life, for you, I will still give, even though your love is his.
    we are friends, and that way, I fear, we will always be, never a "you and me".
    but as the wind howls and the wolves cry, for as long as you still love this guy, I will help you when times are bad, I will always lend a helping hand.
    And even on your wedding day, My love for you will not go away.
    I will be there, as I always have, sitting, watching you, with him, hand in hand.