• I wish I could go back a few months,

    To when we were best friends.

    So I could write a letter, explaining

    Everything to you:


    tab I love you; let’s leave it at that.

    tab I trust you beyond belief; so many stories we’ve shared.

    tab You’re my best friend—I care for you so much.

    tab I can see us walking, arms linked,

    tab Laughing and talking as best friends would.

    tab I can see you protecting me (like you used to),

    tab And me standing up for you.

    tab So, I love you, and I know you love me. I plan on always being with and around you—a tab promise. Because I cannot live otherwise.

    tab You are a part of me—don’t ever leave. There’s no way I could ever survive it.


    And I would sign it “Forever yours,”

    As I would seal away my heart.