• beauty can be found.
    it can be found anywhere,
    even in sadness,
    even in emptiness.....
    i love what can't truly love,
    and love loves me,
    but i kept descending.
    I fall and i fall hard,
    it hurts me, but
    like a injured wolf,
    i move on,
    struggling to live,
    wishing for death,
    but unabled to bear such cowardness.
    i am a survivor...
    i live to help those that might need me.
    i live to experince the awsomeness of this hateful,
    but loving existence...
    that line of hate and love is so thin,
    you can fall of to either side so quickly.
    please god help me,
    that i may return the gift.
    the darkness is more quiet,
    more comfotable.