• I'm writing words that i know will echo hollow
    and with the returning noise the loneliness will follow
    the plitter platter of the red warm drink falls away
    and bright orange rays peirce the sky and announce the day
    sneaking back into the cave, hidding, not to be touched by those rays
    Black water falls from my eyes to the ground
    the splat created repeats in the darkness all around.
    I gaze at the thick black puddle at my feet and behold the monster within.
    I am alone because of the red life trickling slowly down my skin
    hunkered down in the back bracing for the rays storm of gold
    towards the entrance within the light an outline my eyes behold
    surely it has come to kill me
    the pain of the highest price, and from this curse to finally be free
    the menacing figure inches ever close
    Frozen to the ground i fear it comes for what i treasure most
    The closer the show comes however the less my heart fears
    the threat seems empty like figures in the mirrors
    as the outline shape shifted into a human it was lean
    built for freedom of the wolf, able to run but also very mean
    eyes of gold brown and honey hues
    but gentle enough that it wasn't going to make me pay my dues
    the connection of sight and between my teeth and through my lips comes a dreadful hiss
    'he tredded still forward, walking without caution as if nothing was amiss
    Gently he holds out his hand beckoning for connection
    The charm made me forget the rights or wrongs, It was complete in its perfection
    My hand in his, cold vs warm he pulled me to my feet.
    When my gazed traveled upwards our eyes were timid but they did meet
    his hand left mine to trace my hip up to my middle back
    through his tough, through his feel, i know i belong to him and this is fact