• I Bet you already know me

    By: Aenella

    I don't know you
    But I bet you already know me

    I'm the girl you throw your food at when your at lunch
    Just because you think its funny
    Everyone else seems to do it
    Guess you must have joined in with the crowd

    I bet you already know me
    The loud girl with all the weird friends
    You must think I seem so happy with them
    Because you talk about all of us badly;
    Even when we're around

    I bet you already know me
    Adorned in black and chains
    The girl with two toned hair and piercings
    You stare at like I'm the devil
    Even though I wear a cross around my neck

    I bet you already know me
    The girl everyone picks on because it's funny
    Now I'm on depression medication
    And have to go to therapy

    I bet you already know me
    The girl all the guys flirt with as a joke
    Thankfully I learned a long time ago
    You only do it to look cool in front of your friends

    I bet you already know me
    I bet you really do
    Maybe you have befriended her
    or maybe it's you