• She's sitting alone, eyes in a daze
    Her life a map of confusion, her world like a maze

    She holds her head high and wipes back the tears
    The words I don't love you echo in her ears

    She clasps her hands and bows her head
    Is my life over or am I simply dead?

    A beautiful woman has taken his heart
    He wanted beauty instead of her smarts

    She hears their baby crying she knows what to do
    From now on kid, it's just me and you

    Two years later while walking the street
    A handsome young man she did happen to meet

    He looked in her eye and stopped in confusion
    Was this lady real, or just another illusion?

    He asked for a date right there on the street
    She glanced at her shoes and said what time will we meet?

    Six months later and a small engagement band
    That man got down on his knees and asked for her hand

    That woman smiled while her daughter screamed yes!
    One year later she walked the aisle in a white dress

    Happiness was found that day on the street
    With that handsome stranger she happened to meet

    Together they live in a small little town
    Embracing the love they both had found

    Now, sixty years later and I love you so
    He held that woman's hand saying although you are leaving, I'll never let you go...