• Lurking in your shadows,
    In the deepest of seas,
    Hiding under your bed,
    Just wait for those silly little eyes to close,
    Wait till the heartbeat slows,
    For the breathing to turn into slow sighs,
    To lash out your fears,
    All of these prancing in your room,
    Going one by one to destroy your dreams,
    Darkness is waiting,
    Waiting for children to sleep,
    For adults to finally collapse into slumber,
    And teenagers to just drop the phone and close the eyes,
    It can cause things worse than wars,
    It can make children wake up screaming,
    Darkness can’t be controlled,
    It can stay feeble
    It can make you feel death is a good thing to experience,
    Never fall into darkness’s trap,
    If you do..
    Say farewell first